Beans and Weenie Show Madness
Comedy • Politics • Culture
A brief Oasis to escape the everyday BS and take a moment to Laugh, Think, and get involved in making the world a better place, ONE LAUGH AT A TIME!
Just real men making real funny just for you. Do not be surprised if you are to focus on the funny.
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March 08, 2024

Let's see how your powers of observation are this morning...
Solve this COFFEE FLAVOR and TUNE in to the BWD Live Cast Saturday night and find out who's deviant thoughts provided a solution...

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February 24, 2025
You know its going to happen

We are just the first to let you know! The BW Show leading the NEWS!!
Check out the show on most Saturday Nights 9PM CST on Rumble!

February 24, 2025
Fun From Saturday Night - Could be True?!?!?
February 23, 2025
Think Fast Trivia with CHA CHA... its a HOOT

It isn't often that a judge actually gets to WITNESS someone committing a crime . . . in real time . . . while reviewing their case....

A 44-year-old man in Michigan named Corey Harris was attending a VIRTUAL court hearing earlier this month, after he'd previously been charged with driving with a suspended license. That was back in October of last year, and his license is still suspended.

But Corey showed up on Zoom . . . while he was on his way to a doctor's appointment. And he was DRIVING. He was oblivious . . . and asked for everyone to hold tight "for one second" while he parked.

Corey's public defender asked for an adjournment, and the judge looked at his case. He said, "Maybe I don't understand something . . . he was just driving, and he doesn't have a license . . . he's suspended, and he [was] just driving?"

There was a pause, and the judge said, "I don't even know why he would do that." He then revoked his bond, and ordered him to turn himself in. Corey was seen in the...

I'd normally be excited for a free burger, except I just ate four of them

Happy National Hamburger Day! It's always May 28th, which happens to be the day after Memorial Day this year.

If you didn't get your fill of burgers yesterday, a few national chains have deals.

1. Wendy's is handing out Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers for a penny if you order through their website or app. The good news is that one runs through Sunday. So you can wait if you're still digesting.

2. Burger King is marking its 70th birthday with a full week of deals. You can get a free hamburger today if you spend 70 cents and join their rewards program. Then it's the same deal the rest of the week for other stuff.

3. Arby's rewards members can get half off a burger between now and Sunday.

4. Dave & Buster's has 50% off burgers for loyalty members.

5. Jack in the Box has free Jumbo Jacks if you spend $1.

The Beans and Weenie is Doomed show has their new ad just for the occasion....

I'd normally be excited for a free burger, except I just ate four of them
Red Lobster files Bankruptcy

you would think they would be used to being underwater--- I'll stop. They have a new event coming up...

Red Lobster files Bankruptcy
February 24, 2025
Just a Reminder - If you are gonna fly Spirit..
February 23, 2025
Tonight's answers to THINK FAST Trivia

Thank you to Cha Cha for playing tonight!
(Scooter crushed it, you should listen to the show!)

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February 23, 2025
Special Valentines from President Trump!

Go DJT!!!

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